How to Secure Your WhatsApp Account from Social Hacking

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion active users. While it is convenient for staying in touch with friends and family, it is also a prime target for hackers. Social hacking is a technique used by cybercriminals to manipulate people into giving up their personal information or control of their accounts. In this article, we will discuss some steps you can take to secure your WhatsApp account from social hacking.

Enable Two-Step Verification

One of the most important steps you can take to secure your WhatsApp account is to enable two-step verification. This adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring a PIN code that you set up when you enable the feature. This PIN code is required to access your account, even if someone has your phone number and tries to register your WhatsApp account on a different device.

To enable two-step verification on WhatsApp,

  • Open WhatApp window from your phone
  • Go to Settings
  • Click on Account button
  • Click on Two-step verification
  • Click on Enable button
  • You will be asked to create a six-digit PIN code
  • Provide an email address that can be used to reset the PIN code if you forget it.

Keep Your WhatsApp Updated

Another important step to take is to keep your WhatsApp app updated. WhatsApp regularly releases updates to fix security vulnerabilities and bugs. By keeping your app updated, you can ensure that any known vulnerabilities are patched, and your app is less susceptible to attacks.

To update your WhatsApp app, go to your device’s app store and look for updates for WhatsApp. If there is an update available, click on “Update” to download and install the latest version of the app.

Be Careful About Sharing Personal Information

Hackers often use social engineering tactics to trick people into revealing their personal information. They may create fake profiles or impersonate someone you know to gain your trust. Once they have gained your trust, they may ask for sensitive information, such as your bank account details, credit card information, or social security number.

To protect yourself from social hacking, be careful about sharing personal information with people you don’t know or trust. Don’t click on links or download attachments from unknown senders, and be wary of any requests for sensitive information.

Enable Security Notifications

WhatsApp has a feature called Security Notifications that can alert you if someone attempts to register your WhatsApp account on a different device. This feature is helpful if someone tries to hack into your account, as it will notify you immediately so you can take action.

To enable Security Notifications, go to Settings > Account > Security > Show security notifications. This will show you a notification if someone tries to register your WhatsApp account on a different device.

Use a Strong Password

Your WhatsApp account is tied to your phone number, but you still need to use a strong password to secure your phone. A weak password can allow someone to easily access your phone and your WhatsApp account.

To create a strong password, use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using personal information, such as your name, date of birth, or phone number, as these are easy to guess.

Don’t Share Your Verification Code

When you set up WhatsApp on a new device, you will receive a verification code that is sent to your phone number. This code is required to complete the registration process and access your WhatsApp account.

Be careful not to share your verification code with anyone, as this can allow them to gain access to your WhatsApp account. If you receive a message asking for your verification code, it is likely a phishing attempt, and you should ignore it.


In today’s digital world, social hacking is becoming more common, and it is important to take steps to secure your WhatsApp account from cybercriminals. As we have discussed in this article, enabling two-step verification, keeping your app updated, being careful about sharing personal information, and using a strong password are all essential steps to take to secure your WhatsApp account.

By following these steps, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to social hacking and keep your WhatsApp account secure. It is important to remain vigilant and take proactive steps to protect yourself in the digital world we live in.