Tujijenge Loan App

Join the fastest growing and responsible loan App in Kenya Tujijenge Instant Loans.
Access up to Ksh 100,000 on your smartphone — anytime and anywhere.
Get Loans from Tujijenge Instant Loans and repay in 90-365 days with a maximum APR of 36%
Tujijenge Instant Loans is the simplest and most secure way to borrow, save, and improve your financial health all from the convenience of your phone.

Loan Interest Rates And Calculations

Minimum Loan repayment Period is 90 days
Maximum loan repayment period is 365 days

– Loan Amount: from KSh 1,000 to KSh 100,000.
– Grow with Tujijenge Loans and build your limit up to KSh 100,000 by making your loan repayments on time

Tenure: From 91 days to 365 days.
Loan Amount: from Kes.1,500 to Kes. 70,000.
The maximum APR is 36%.
Origination Fee: Range from Kes.100 – Kes. 600.
For example, 91 – day loan payment terms have an origination fee of 8.7%. For the loan processed with principal amount of 1,000, the origination fee would be Kes.87,the total amount due would be Kes.1,087.

Customers have the option to repay their loan amounts even up to 12 months (Tujijenge Loans Flexi option).

Benefits of Tujijenge Loan App

Additional amount and extensions do the job!

– Considering additional financing? Don’t miss on great opportunities and top up your existing loan with just a few clicks!
– Need more time to repay? Get control over the unexpected by extending your due date. Enjoy the flexibility we offer.
– Achieve financial harmony! Realize your ideas and needs with our instant personal loans.


Call center: + 254 796811196

You can learn more about loan apps in Kenya on this website