Craft in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology & Related

The field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is a dynamic and ever-evolving industry that plays a crucial role in powering the modern world. Craft programs in this discipline provide students with hands-on skills and theoretical knowledge necessary to excel in various technical roles. Here, we explore the Craft in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology & … Read more

Certificate in Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

In the realm of engineering, the Certificate in Mechanical Engineering stands tall as a gateway to a world of innovation, problem-solving, and the intricate workings of machinery. This program, offered by various esteemed institutions such as Baringo Technical College, Chepsirei Technical and Vocational College, and many more, is designed to equip individuals with the fundamental … Read more

Certificate in Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

The Certificate in Electrical Engineering serves as a beacon for individuals aspiring to venture into the dynamic and electrifying field of electrical and electronic engineering. In this article, we explore the entry requirements, and glance at the institutions in Kenya offering this certificate. Minimum Entry Requirements Minimum Mean Grade: D+ Minimum Subject Requirements: None Available … Read more

Certificate in Agricultural Engineering

The Certificate in Agricultural Engineering is a comprehensive program designed for individuals interested in the application of engineering principles to the agricultural sector. This certificate equips learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to address the evolving challenges in modern agriculture, where technology plays a crucial role in enhancing productivity and sustainability. Minimum Entry Requirements … Read more

Certificate in Marine Engineering

In the realm of engineering and technology, the Certificate in Marine Engineering stands as a beacon for those eager to dive into the dynamic and challenging world of marine technology. This program, offered by esteemed institutions like Bandari Maritime Academy and Kenya Coast Polytechnic, equips individuals with the knowledge and skills essential for a rewarding … Read more

Certificate in Automotive Engineering

The Certificate in Automotive Engineering program is a gateway for individuals who aspire to delve into the dynamic world of automotive technology. This certificate course provides foundational knowledge and hands-on skills necessary for a career in the automotive industry. Minimum Entry Requirements To embark on the Certificate in Automotive Engineering program, prospective students need to … Read more

Certificate in Civil Engineering

The Certificate in Civil Engineering stands as a cornerstone in the realm of infrastructure development and construction. This article provides insights into the program, covering the entry requirements, and shedding light on the institutions in Kenya that offer this certificate. Minimum Entry Requirements Minimum Mean Grade: D+ Minimum Subject Requirements: None Available Programs Bureti Technical … Read more

Craft in Building and Civil Engineering

The world of construction and civil engineering plays a pivotal role in shaping the infrastructure we rely on every day. If you have a passion for constructing buildings, bridges, and other structures, pursuing a Craft in Building and Civil Engineering could be the first step towards a fulfilling career. This article explores the details of … Read more

Craft in Agricultural Engineering

In the dynamic field of agriculture, where technology and innovation play a crucial role, the Craft in Agricultural Engineering program emerges as a gateway to a promising career. This article delves into the details of the program, exploring the entry requirements and available offerings in various institutions in Kenya. Minimum Entry Requirements Minimum Mean Grade: … Read more