How to Accept Ownership of a Motor Vehicle on NTSA TIMS Account

If you’ve ever been through the process of transferring ownership of a motor vehicle, you know it can be a real hassle. Long queues, paperwork galore, and the endless waiting—it’s enough to make anyone’s head spin.

But here’s the good news: the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) in Kenya has introduced a convenient online solution to make this process smoother and stress-free.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to accept ownership of a motor vehicle on your NTSA TIMS account, sharing personal anecdotes and tips along the way.

Accessing the NTSA TIMS Account

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of the ownership transfer process, you need to access your NTSA TIMS account. If you don’t have one yet, don’t worry; setting it up is pretty straightforward.

Step 1: Navigate to the NTSA Website

Start by opening your web browser and visiting the official NTSA website at You can do this on your computer or even on your smartphone while sipping your morning coffee. No need to rush; it’s as easy as checking your social media.

Step 2: Choose Your Preferred Service

Once you’re on the NTSA website, you’ll be greeted with various service options. Choose the one that suits your needs. In this case, we’re focusing on vehicle ownership transfer, so go ahead and select that.

Step 3: Login to Your TIMS Account

Now comes the moment of truth. You need to log in to your TIMS account. If you’re like me and have a tendency to forget passwords, keep that trusty notebook handy where you jot down all your important login details. It’s a real lifesaver.

Initiating the Ownership Transfer Process

With access to your TIMS account secured, let’s move on to the exciting part—initiating the ownership transfer process.

Step 4: Click on “Vehicle Transfer”

Once you’re logged in, look for the “Vehicle Transfer” option. It’s like a virtual queue-jump pass that saves you from the chaos of the physical NTSA office.

Step 5: Choose “Accept Ownership”

Under the “Vehicle Transfer” menu, you’ll find various options, including “Accept Ownership.” Click on it to start the transfer process.

Now that we’ve got the ball rolling, let’s take a closer look at what happens next.

Vehicle Details and Declaration

Accepting ownership of a vehicle isn’t just about clicking a few buttons; it’s about confirming your commitment to the responsibility that comes with it.

Step 6: Click on the Vehicle Details

This is the part where you verify the vehicle details. You’ll want to make sure everything checks out. Think of it as double-checking the ingredients of a recipe to ensure it turns out just right. Click “NEXT” when you’re ready to move on.

Step 7: Select “Passed” and Tick the Declaration Box

Here’s where you make the formal declaration. Select “Passed” to confirm that the vehicle transfer is on the right track. Then, don’t forget to tick the declaration box. It’s like signing your name on the dotted line, sealing the deal.

My personal experience taught me the importance of going through these steps meticulously. I once rushed through this process, and it led to a few hiccups down the road. Take your time, and you’ll thank yourself later.

Step 8: Click “Approve” to Finalize the Process

The final step in this stage is to click “Approve.” It’s like giving your stamp of approval for the ownership transfer. And just like that, you’re one step closer to completing the process.

Providing Additional Information

For individual vehicle owners, there are a couple more details to fill in.

Step 9: Fill in the Collection Point

Think of the logbook as your vehicle’s passport. You need to specify the collection point for this important document. It’s where it’ll be waiting for you, ready to embark on its next journey.

Step 10: Provide the Authorized Person’s ID

Who’s the lucky person authorized to collect the logbook? This could be a family member, friend, or trusted representative. Make sure to provide their ID details accurately. After all, you want your logbook to end up in the right hands.

Now that you’ve completed these steps, it’s time to hit that “Submit” button.

Submission and Processing

Step 11: Click on “Submit”

With all the required information filled out, go ahead and click on the “Submit” button. It’s like mailing an important letter; you trust that it’ll reach its destination safely.

Step 12: Await Approval and SMS Notification

At this point, your part is done. Now, all you have to do is sit back and relax. NTSA will take over from here and process your application. You’ll receive an SMS notification once everything is sorted out.

As you wait, take a deep breath and congratulate yourself for successfully navigating the ownership transfer process. You’ve just saved yourself a ton of time and hassle compared to the old-fashioned way of doing things.


Ah, yes, the topic that often makes us frown—charges. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with some essential information.

Charges Depend on CC Ratings

The cost of accepting ownership of a motor vehicle varies depending on its CC (cubic centimeter) ratings. The more powerful the engine, the higher the charges. So, be prepared for a bit of variation here.


One of the most significant advantages of the online ownership transfer process is its speed.

Expect Results in 3 Working Days

In just three working days, you can expect the entire process to be completed. It’s like getting your favorite food delivered to your doorstep; you don’t have to wait too long to enjoy the results.

But why choose this online method over the traditional way? Let’s explore some of the advantages.

Advantages of Using the NTSA TIMS Account

1. Convenience Galore

Imagine sitting in your cozy living room, laptop in hand, and completing the ownership transfer process—all without leaving your home. No need to brave the scorching sun or torrential rain. It’s the epitome of convenience.

2. Say Goodbye to Endless Queues

Remember those never-ending queues at the NTSA office? With the TIMS account, you bid them farewell. You won’t have to waste your precious time standing in line.

3. Reduced Paperwork

In the digital age, there’s no place for mountains of paperwork. The online system minimizes the need for physical documents, making your life easier and saving the environment in the process.

4. Faster Processing

As we mentioned earlier, the ownership transfer process is lightning-fast online. You won’t have to wait for weeks or months to complete it.

5. Real-time Updates

With the TIMS account, you can track the progress of your application in real-time. No more anxious waiting; you’ll know exactly where your ownership transfer stands.

Personal Anecdote: The Smooth Ownership Transfer

I’ll never forget the time I decided to accept ownership of my first car. I had heard horror stories about the traditional process—endless lines, missing paperwork, and the fear of getting lost in a bureaucratic maze. But thanks to the NTSA TIMS account, my experience was a breeze.

I followed the steps we’ve outlined here, carefully double-checking all the details. Within three working days, I received an SMS notification confirming the ownership transfer was complete. It was like magic. I didn’t have to take time off work or spend my weekends waiting in line. I simply enjoyed the convenience of the online system.


Accepting ownership of a motor vehicle on your NTSA TIMS account is a game-changer. It’s a process that can be smooth, convenient, and surprisingly quick. No more endless queues, no more mountains of paperwork, and no more waiting for weeks on end.

So, the next time you find yourself in the driver’s seat of a new car (or even an old one), remember this article. Follow the steps we’ve outlined, and you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the open road hassle-free.

And, of course, stay safe out there! Happy driving!