Nyanda Sacco Paybill Number 310954

Hey there, savvy savers and financial enthusiasts!

If you’re in Kenya and looking for an easy and convenient way to pay your Nyanda Sacco dues or access its range of financial services, you’ve come to the right place.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to use the Nyanda Sacco Paybill number 310954, highlighting its benefits and giving you a glimpse into what Nyanda Sacco has to offer.

How to Pay Nyanda Sacco using Paybill Number 310954

Accessing M-Pesa

So, let’s dive right in.

To get started with paying Nyanda Sacco, you’ll need to access M-Pesa, Kenya’s popular mobile money service.

There are two straightforward ways to do this:

Option 1: Through Simcard Tool Kit

  1. Locate the Simcard Tool Kit on your mobile phone.
  2. Select the M-Pesa option.
  3. Click on “Lipa na M-Pesa” to initiate the payment process.

Option 2: Through My Safaricom App

  1. Open your My Safaricom App (if you haven’t downloaded it yet, it’s available on both Android and iOS).
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Find and click on the M-Pesa icon.
  4. Select “Lipa na M-Pesa” to proceed with your payment.

Initiating the Payment

Once you’re in the M-Pesa menu, here’s how you can initiate the payment to Nyanda Sacco:

  1. Click on the “Pay Bill” option.
  2. Enter Nyanda Sacco’s Paybill number: 310954.
  3. Specify the amount you wish to pay, ensuring it matches your intended transaction.

Providing the Account Number

Nyanda Sacco ensures that paying is hassle-free, even if you don’t have an account number handy. Here’s what to do:

If You Have an Account Number:

Simply enter your Nyanda Sacco account number when prompted.

This ensures that your payment is credited directly to your account, making record-keeping a breeze.

If You Don’t Have an Account Number:

No worries!

Nyanda Sacco has you covered. You can enter either your ID number or your full names as an alternative to the account number.

This ensures that your payment is correctly allocated even without an account number.

Confirming the Payment

Before you confirm the transaction, take a moment to review the details.

Make sure the Paybill number, the amount, and the provided details are all accurate.

Once you’re satisfied, click “Confirm” to complete the transaction securely.

Benefits of Using Nyanda Sacco

Financial Inclusion

One of the primary advantages of using Nyanda Sacco and its Paybill number 310954 is the promotion of financial inclusion.

Nyanda Sacco understands the importance of making financial services accessible to everyone, and M-Pesa is a widely used platform that ensures just that.

By providing an easy way to pay, Nyanda Sacco makes sure that its services are within reach of many, including those who may not have access to traditional banking methods.


Convenience is key in today’s fast-paced world, and Nyanda Sacco recognizes this.

By offering a straightforward payment option through M-Pesa, they save their members time and effort.

No more long queues or waiting around; simply initiate your payment from the comfort of your home or on the go.


Security is a top priority for both Nyanda Sacco and M-Pesa.

When you use Paybill number 310954, you can rest assured that your financial information is protected.

The transaction process is encrypted and secure, giving you peace of mind while making your payments.

Overview of Nyanda Sacco and Its Range of Services/Products

Nyanda Sacco Overview

Before we dive into the range of services and products that Nyanda Sacco offers, let’s get to know Nyanda Sacco a bit better.

Founded with a mission to empower its members financially, Nyanda Sacco has a rich history and a strong commitment to its members’ financial well-being.

Target Audience and Membership

Nyanda Sacco caters to a diverse membership base, including individuals from various walks of life.

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or a business owner, Nyanda Sacco provides financial solutions tailored to your needs.

Range of Services/Products

Nyanda Sacco has a wide array of services and products to help you achieve your financial goals:

1. Savings Accounts

Nyanda Sacco offers various types of savings accounts, each designed to meet specific financial objectives.

Whether you’re saving for a rainy day, a dream vacation, or your children’s education, there’s a savings account for you.

2. Loans and Credit Services

Need financial assistance?

Nyanda Sacco offers loans and credit services to its members. With competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms, you can access the funds you need to grow your business, further your education, or cover unexpected expenses.

3. Investment Opportunities

Nyanda Sacco provides members with opportunities to invest their savings wisely.

Whether it’s through fixed deposits, bonds, or other investment instruments, you can make your money work for you.

4. Member Benefits

As a member of Nyanda Sacco, you’re entitled to a range of benefits, including financial education, access to exclusive financial products, and a supportive community of fellow members.

Nyanda Sacco is more than just a financial institution; it’s a community that helps you thrive financially.


In conclusion, Nyanda Sacco Paybill number 310954 is your ticket to a hassle-free, convenient, and secure way to make payments and access a wide range of financial services.

By using this Paybill number, you not only simplify your financial transactions but also become part of a community that cares about your financial well-being.

So, why wait?

Explore Nyanda Sacco’s services, consider becoming a member, and experience the benefits firsthand.

With Nyanda Sacco, your financial goals are within reach, and paying your dues has never been easier. Start your journey to financial success today!