Skyline Sacco Paybill Number 116519

Hey there, savvy savers and financial enthusiasts!

We’re about to dive into a world where paying your dues and managing your finances is as easy as sending a text.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to Skyline Sacco and its Paybill number 116519, your new best friend for hassle-free financial transactions.

Not only will we walk you through the steps to use this service, but we’ll also delve into the benefits of choosing Skyline Sacco as your financial partner and give you an overview of the services they offer. So, let’s get started!

Steps to Pay Skyline Sacco Using Paybill Number 116519

Accessing M-Pesa: The Gateway to Convenience

The journey begins with accessing M-Pesa, Kenya’s go-to mobile money service.

Whether you’re a tech-savvy smartphone user or you prefer the classic SIM card toolkit, we’ve got you covered.

Via the SIM Card Toolkit

  1. Locate Your SIM Toolkit: If you’re the traditional type, simply navigate to your SIM card toolkit on your mobile phone.
  2. Select M-Pesa: Once inside the toolkit, find and select M-Pesa.
  3. Access Lipa Na M-Pesa: Within the M-Pesa menu, you’ll find an option called “Lipa Na M-Pesa.” Choose this to proceed.
  4. Choose Paybill: Under Lipa Na M-Pesa, you’ll spot the “Paybill” option. Click on it to initiate your transaction.
  5. Enter Paybill Number 116519: Here’s the magic number: 116519. Enter this Paybill number to link to Skyline Sacco.
  6. Enter Account Information: This is where it gets personal. You can use your Skyline Sacco account number, your ID number, or your full names if you don’t have an account number.
  7. Confirm and Complete Payment: Review your transaction details, enter the amount you wish to pay, and confirm your payment with your M-Pesa PIN.

Via the My Safaricom App

If you’re more of a smartphone enthusiast, the My Safaricom app is your gateway to convenience.

  1. Open My Safaricom App: First things first, make sure you have the My Safaricom app installed. Open it up!
  2. Select M-Pesa: Once you’re in the app, select the M-Pesa option from the menu.
  3. Lipa Na M-Pesa: Just like in the SIM card toolkit method, find and select “Lipa Na M-Pesa.”
  4. Choose Paybill: Under Lipa Na M-Pesa, locate and click on the “Paybill” option.
  5. Enter Paybill Number 116519: Input the Paybill number 116519 to connect to Skyline Sacco.
  6. Enter Account Information: As before, you can use your account number, ID number, or full names.
  7. Confirm and Complete Payment: Double-check your transaction details, enter the amount, and confirm with your M-Pesa PIN.

Benefits of Using Skyline Sacco

Now that you know how to make payments using Skyline Sacco’s Paybill number, let’s talk about why you should choose this method over others.

Convenience: 24/7 Accessibility

One of the standout benefits is the convenience factor.

Skyline Sacco’s Paybill number is available 24/7, meaning you can make payments or manage your finances whenever it suits you.

No more rushing to physical branches or worrying about closing hours!

Speed and Efficiency: No More Waiting in Lines

Say goodbye to long queues and waiting times.

With Skyline Sacco’s Paybill number, your transactions are processed instantly.

Whether it’s paying bills, making deposits, or accessing funds, everything happens at the speed of light.

Security: Keeping Your Finances Safe

Worried about the safety of your transactions? M-Pesa is renowned for its robust security measures. Your financial information is protected, and you’ll receive an SMS confirmation for every transaction, ensuring peace of mind.

Transparency: Track Your Finances Easily

Skyline Sacco and M-Pesa provide you with detailed transaction records. You can effortlessly track your payments, deposits, and account balances. No more guessing games when it comes to your financial affairs!

Overview of Skyline Sacco’s Range of Services/Products

Skyline Sacco offers a wide range of financial services and products to meet your diverse needs.

Let’s take a closer look at what they have to offer:

Savings Accounts

  • Regular Savings: A basic savings account for your day-to-day financial needs.
  • Fixed Deposit Accounts: A secure way to earn interest on your savings over a fixed period.

Loans and Credit Facilities

  • Personal Loans: Access funds for personal expenses, emergencies, or investments.
  • Business Loans: Fuel your entrepreneurial dreams with Skyline Sacco’s business loan options.

Investment Opportunities

  • Investment Schemes: Explore various investment plans to grow your wealth.
  • Financial Advisory Services: Get expert advice on financial planning and investment strategies.

Insurance Products

  • Life Insurance: Secure the financial future of your loved ones.
  • Asset Protection: Protect your valuable assets and investments.

Member Benefits

  • Dividend Payments: Enjoy a share of the Sacco’s profits through dividend payments.
  • Annual General Meetings: Have a say in the Sacco’s affairs and policies by attending AGMs.


In a world where financial transactions can be cumbersome, Skyline Sacco’s Paybill number 116519 shines as a beacon of convenience and efficiency.

We’ve explored the simple steps to use this service, and we’ve highlighted the numerous benefits of choosing Skyline Sacco as your financial partner.

So, why wait?

Embrace the future of finance, and start using Skyline Sacco’s Paybill number for all your financial needs.

Whether you’re saving, investing, or seeking financial advice, Skyline Sacco has you covered.

Say goodbye to the hassle and hello to financial ease!