How to Apply for Voluntary E-sticker (RFID) on NTSA Portal

If you’re a motor vehicle owner in Kenya, you’ve probably heard about the importance of having a voluntary E-sticker (RFID) for your vehicle. Not only does it enhance the tracking and identification of your vehicle, but it’s also a crucial compliance requirement set by the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA).

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of applying for a voluntary E-sticker (RFID) on the NTSA portal step by step, so you can stay on the right side of the law and enjoy the benefits of this modern technology.

Why the Need for an E-sticker (RFID)?

Before we dive into the application process, let’s talk about why having an E-sticker is essential. Imagine this scenario: You park your car in a crowded mall, and when you return, you find it’s been moved or stolen.

This is where the E-sticker comes to the rescue. With its Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, your vehicle becomes easily traceable, making it harder for car thieves to get away with their ill intentions.

Key Benefits of Having an E-sticker (RFID):

Benefit Description
Enhanced Vehicle Security RFID technology helps track and locate stolen vehicles.
Simplified Identification E-stickers make it easier to identify vehicles for regulatory purposes.
NTSA Compliance It’s a legal requirement for all motor vehicle owners.
Quick Vehicle Recovery In case of theft, authorities can trace and recover your vehicle faster.

Requirements for Applying

Now that we understand why E-stickers are so important, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how to apply for one.

Step 1: Visit

The journey begins with a single click! Open your internet browser and visit the official NTSA website at

Step 2: Select the Preferred Service Portal

On the NTSA website, you’ll find several service portals, each catering to different needs. For the E-sticker application, select the appropriate portal. It’s usually labeled something like “Vehicle Services” or “E-sticker Application.”

Step 3: Login to TIMS Account

If you already have a TIMS (Transport Integrated Management System) account, great! Log in using your credentials. If not, you’ll need to sign up for one. Creating an account is straightforward and typically involves providing your personal information and creating a password.

When I applied for my E-sticker, I realized the importance of having a TIMS account. It not only streamlines the application process but also keeps a record of your vehicle details for future reference.

Step 4: Go to Vehicle Inspection

Once you’re logged in, navigate to the “Vehicle Inspection” section on the portal. This is where you’ll find the options related to vehicle inspection and E-sticker application.

Step 5: Click on Inspections, Then Select Payment

Under the “Vehicle Inspection” section, click on “Inspections.” This will open a submenu with various options. Select “Payment” to initiate the E-sticker application process.

Step 6: Select Inspection Type E-sticker (RFID), Then NEXT

You’re now on the right path! Look for the option that says “E-sticker (RFID)” and click “NEXT” to proceed.

Table: E-sticker Application Charges

Item Cost (Kshs.)
E-sticker (RFID) 700
Convenience Fee 50
Total 750

Step 7: Select the Vehicle and Make Payment

This step is crucial. You’ll need to select the vehicle for which you’re applying for an E-sticker (RFID). Make sure to choose the correct vehicle from your list if you have multiple vehicles registered under your TIMS account. After selecting your vehicle, proceed to make the payment.

I remember how relieved I felt once I completed this step. It’s like getting a new layer of security for your car, and the process is surprisingly user-friendly.

Step 8: Select the Inspection Center and Date to Collect the E-sticker

Now, you’re almost there! Choose an inspection center that is convenient for you, and select a suitable date to collect your E-sticker (RFID). Keep in mind that different inspection centers may have varying availability, so plan accordingly.

Charges and Payment

By now, you’re probably wondering about the costs of obtaining your E-sticker. Let’s break it down.

Charges for E-sticker (RFID)

The E-sticker (RFID) application comes with a fee of Kshs. 750.

Reasons for Applying for a Voluntary E-sticker (RFID)

Now that you’ve learned how to apply for an E-sticker (RFID), you might be wondering when and why you should consider getting one. Here are some scenarios where having an E-sticker can be incredibly beneficial:

Enhanced Vehicle Security

Imagine the peace of mind knowing that if your vehicle is ever stolen, authorities can track it down swiftly. E-stickers significantly enhance vehicle security by using RFID technology.

Simplified Identification

Whether it’s a routine traffic stop or an inspection, having an E-sticker makes it easier for law enforcement and regulatory authorities to identify your vehicle. This can save time and reduce hassle in various situations.

NTSA Compliance

Perhaps the most critical reason to obtain an E-sticker is to comply with NTSA regulations. It’s a legal requirement, and failing to have one can lead to penalties or legal issues down the road.

Quick Vehicle Recovery

In the unfortunate event of your vehicle being stolen, an E-sticker can be a game-changer. With the tracking capabilities it offers, your car can be recovered faster, minimizing potential damage and losses.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully learned how to apply for a voluntary E-sticker (RFID) on the NTSA portal. This small yet powerful piece of technology can significantly enhance the security of your vehicle, simplify identification, and ensure compliance with NTSA regulations.

In a world where vehicle theft and regulatory requirements are ever-present concerns, an E-sticker (RFID) is your ally. Remember to keep your TIMS account updated and stay informed about any changes in NTSA procedures.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’re safeguarding your vehicle and contributing to a safer and more regulated road environment for all. So, go ahead and secure your ride with an E-sticker – it’s a small investment that goes a long way in protecting your valuable asset.