What is the Postal Code for Eastleigh, Nairobi

The postal code for Eastleigh, Nairobi, it is 00610. This postal code is specific to the Eastleigh area and is used to accurately identify and locate addresses within the region.

To ensure that your mail or package is delivered to the correct address in Eastleigh, it is important to include the correct postal code. Using the correct postal code will help to expedite the delivery process and ensure that your mail or package arrives at its intended destination in a timely manner.

Eastleigh, Nairobi

Eastleigh is a suburb located in Nairobi, Kenya. The area is commonly referred to as “Little Mogadishu” due to its high population of Somali immigrants. Eastleigh is known for its bustling markets, which sell everything from clothing to electronics.

If you are looking for the postal code for Eastleigh, it is 00610. This code is used to identify the area for mail and package delivery. It is important to ensure that you have the correct postal code when sending mail or packages to Eastleigh to avoid any delays or issues with delivery.

Eastleigh is also home to a number of mosques and Islamic schools. The area has a strong Somali community, with many businesses and restaurants catering to Somali culture and cuisine.

Eastleigh is a vibrant and bustling suburb of Nairobi, with a unique character shaped by its Somali immigrant population. If you are visiting Nairobi, it is worth taking the time to explore this fascinating area and experience its markets, food, and culture.

Understanding Postal Codes in Kenya

If you are sending mail or packages to Eastleigh, Nairobi, it is important to know the correct postal code to ensure that your mail or package is delivered to the correct address.

Postal codes are a series of digits used by postal services to identify specific locations for the delivery of mail and parcels. In Kenya, postal codes are also known as zip codes or postcode.

Postal codes in Kenya consist of five-digit numeric codes used to identify specific locations in the country. Each postal code identifies a specific area, district, or region in Kenya.

The first two digits of the postal code represent the region, while the last three digits represent the specific location within the region.

In summary, understanding postal codes in Kenya is essential when sending mail or packages to specific locations in the country. Postal codes are a series of five-digit numeric codes used to identify specific areas, districts, or regions in Kenya.

It is important to verify the accuracy of the postal code before sending any mail or packages to ensure that they are delivered to the correct address.