Bi-High Sacco Society

Bi-High Sacco was established in 1977 with a membership of 33 teachers. It was formerly called Marsabit Teacher’s SACCO. By 2019, membership had grown to 2,057. In 2013, the society’s by-laws were amended to accommodate other members e.g from parastatals, private companies and even NGO’s hence the change of name to Bi-high Sacco.

Bi-High Sacco Fosa Products

  1. Special FOSA loans
  2. Ordinary salary advances
  3. Special salary advances
  4. Savings accounts

Bi-High Sacco Bosa Products

  1. Development loan
  2. Emergency loan
  3. School fees loans
  4. Special loans
  5. Karibu loans
  6. Self- guarantee loans
  7. Bank loans
  8. Buy off loans

Bi-High Sacco Paybill Number 824900

You can now make deposits to your Sacco account using the paybill number as per the steps below.

  1. Go to M-PESA Menu
  2. Select Pay Bill from your M-PESA menu
  3. Enter Bi-High Paybill Number 824900 as the business number
  4. Enter Bi-High Sacco FOSA Account Number
  5. Enter the amount you wish to pay
  6. Enter your M-PESA PIN
  7. Confirm details are correct and press OK
  8. You will then receive a confirmation message from Safaricom

Bi-High Sacco Contacts

For more information on any of their products you can contact the Sacco through;

Teachers Plaza, Marsabit Town

Bi-High Sacco

P.O Box 90-60500


CALL: 020 800 4322, 020 069 2007

EMAIL: [email protected]


You can as well see some of the best Deposit Taking Sacco’s in Kenya here.